Repeating a Failed Course

Generally, courses that are failed may be repeated to earn credit. The student’s permanent record will show an “E” or an "F" grade for failed courses. A repeated course will not replace the original grade on the transcript.

Final Exam Retakes

Depending on the policies of each individual course, students may be allowed one retake of a final exam. If a student chooses to retake the final exam, she or he must request to retake the failed final before the enrollment expiration date; otherwise, the initial failing grade is posted to the permanent record. Once the retake exam has been graded, the higher of the two final exam grades will be used to calculate the overall course grade.

Students wanting to retake the final exam, but who fail to make the request before the enrollment expiration date, will need to register for the course a second time. The result is that the same course will be listed on their permanent record twice, along with the respective grades.

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