All assignments must be submitted online according to the instructions in your course. Some assignments are graded automatically upon submission; instructor grading will take longer.
In most courses, it is possible to resubmit an assignment or quiz for a $10 fee. Please refer to your course syllabus for further details on the resubmission policy specific to your course. After you have requested the final exam, you may not resubmit any assignments or mid-course exams.
Course Discussion Boards: Course instructors are responsible for monitoring and administering the discussion board related to his or her course. Provided in the course are instructions and guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable discussion board posts. Any posts that are unseemly, profane, or contain solicitations or requests for a student email address, physical address, or other personal contact information, are not permitted, will be deleted, and may subject the student to discipline pursuant to the BYU Independent Study Student Code of Conduct.
Response and Grading Times: Instructors are expected to respond to student inquiries within 2–3 business days. Instructors are also expected to post grades for student assignments within 10 business days.
Appointments: Some courses require students to make appointments with the instructor or TA. In the event the student must cancel an appointment, he or she must do so at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time. Students must schedule appointments at least six hours before the planned appointment. Should a student miss a scheduled appointment, he or she will receive no score (zero points) for the missed appointment and generally may not reschedule the missed appointment. If an instructor misses the appointment, he or she will work with the student to reschedule the missed appointment, and the student will not be charged a fee for the missed appointment.