Welcome to DESPH-116: Introduction to Photography and Digital Workflow
Lesson 1: “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, we seek after these things.” - Article of Faith 13
Lesson 2: A Brief Historical Survey of Photography
Lesson 3: Cameras and Camera Control
Lesson 4: Camera Automation / Exposure & Exposure Meters
Lesson 5: Lenses
Lesson 6: 2-Dimensional Composition: Principles and Elements of Design
Lesson 7: Light
Lesson 8: Critiquing Photographs
Lesson 9: Digital Workflow
Lesson 10: Introduction to Adobe Lightroom
Lesson 11: Develop Module in Adobe Lightroom
Lesson 12: Develop Module in Adobe Lightroom continued
Lesson 13: Portraiture
Lesson 14: Contemporary Issue